Certificates & Certification marks

TÜV certificates and certification marks

Our certificates and certification marks are important guidance aids for companies and consumers and strengthen the trust in certified services and companies. Neutrality, independence and trust are the basis of all our certifications. The TÜV Saarland certificate and certification mark convey exactly such values.

Our certification marks include:

  • a unique certification mark number (ID)
  • an easy-to-find source of information (online database)
  • a brief information text (certification mark statement / scope)

According to a judgement passed by the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on 21 July 2016, certification marks that are used for consumer advertising must always show a source of information with a summary of applied test criteria that is understandable to the consumer. The TÜV Saarland certification mark fulfils these requirements. Furthermore, our certificate database provides information on the status of the certificate, the underlying tests and the certification process. Use of the database is free of charge. The certification mark can simply be integrated into your corporate communications, be it in classic print advertisements or online. The TÜV Saarland certification mark is available in all common formats.


The TÜV Saarland Certificate Database

Our online certificate database offers:

  • Transparency: Customers, partners and consumers can see what exactly was certified and tested. The linking of the TÜV Saarland certification mark with our database, make queries possible at any time, in a matter of seconds and from around the world.
  • Authenticity and status: The authenticity and the status of a certificate or certification mark can be checked by entering its unique number. The database is always up-to-date.
  •  TÜV Saarland has stood for trust, quality and safety for almost 150 years. The certificate and the entry in our database also mean more trust in the certified company and creates transparency for customers, partners and consumers.