Information on how to use the database

How do I search for certificates / certification marks?

Simply by entering the certificate or certification mark number or the name of the certificate holder.

Why is the certificate / certification mark not found?

The entered name or number is incorrect. Check the entered number or spelling of the company name. The search is not case-sensitive. The use of upper- or lowercase letters will not affect the search result.

The certificate is too old. The database does not include all old certificates that have already expired.

The certificate does not originate from TÜV Saarland. Please use the database of the respective certification body in such cases.

The certificate / certification mark has no number. What can I do?

Every certificate has a unique certificate number. Certificates without a number might not be authentic. Older certification marks that might still be valid were possibly issued without a number. Search for the name of the company that uses the certification mark in such a case.


If the database does not give you a useful result, you can also contact us by telephone, e-mail or by using our contact form.




Information on certificates and certification marks from TÜV Intercert GmbH

TÜV Intercert GmbH – Group of TÜV Saarland is not affiliated to TÜV Saarland Certification GmbH. We can therefore not provide any information on the authenticity, or status, of Intercert Certificates or certification marks. Please contact the company directly.


Information on certificates and certification marks from SGS TÜV Saar GmbH

SGS TÜV Saar GmbH has its own certification body that is not affiliated to TÜV Saarland Certification GmbH. We can therefore not provide any information on the authenticity, or status, of SGS TÜV certificates or certification marks. Please contact the company directly.



Identifying forged certificates