QM systems are a major contribution to company success in all sectors and for all company sizes. We certify to ISO 9001 …

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Climate- and environment-friendly companies enjoy a high reputation in the market and save our resources. Obtain certification to ISO 14001 to demonstrate that you …

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Highest standards and premium quality in the entire supply chain are a prerequisite for a successful automotive industry. We certify to IATF 16949, VDA 6.X, …

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Information technology requires security and confidentiality.
Our certification services for ISO 27001 in accordance with the IT Basic Protection standard of the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) …

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Does your company place great importance on industrial health and safety? Prove that to your customers and employees with a certificate based on ISO 45001 …

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Our Quality Guarantee

Making the best even better.

We make this demand on ourselves and on our customers. We employ only qualified staff with a high level of technical expertise, social competence and extensive work and sector experience. Regular staff training, in-house knowledge management and a regular exchange of experience maintain and permanently expand our competence. In service of and for the benefit of our customers.

Proven to be competent.

We have been accredited by DAkkS, the national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of ISO 17021, and approved by the Quality Management Centre of the German Automotive Industry Association (VDA-QMC) and the International Automotive Task Force (IATF). We subject our branch offices and subsidiaries to annual accreditation and compliance monitoring audits. Our auditors are regularly checked internally and externally for their suitability.

Better done in person.

We know our customers and our customers know us. We offer our customers contact persons who know the company and speak its language. We do not use any call centres and process and store German customer data exclusively in Germany.

TÜV Saarland Certification primarily convinced us through the speed, flexibility and high levels of competence of the entire team. Our international facilities are benefiting from efficient certification by TÜV Saarland.
Torsten Vogt, Head of Global HSEQ, Lanxess
With TÜV Saarland as a competent and facts-oriented organisation, we were able to prove our fulfilment of the requirements of the revised ISO 9001: 2015 and IATF 16949 policies in a pleasant audit atmosphere.
David Metzier, Head of Quality Management, V O I T Automotive GmbH
We were also able to successfully conduct the second ISO certification in our corporate group with TÜV Saarland. We were convinced by both the competence of the auditor and by how straightforward the certification process was.
Ralph Wirth, CEO, Wilken Data Service Center GmbH
Certification uniquely positions the blockchain technology of VeChain in terms of both the individual company and the world of business. We believe that certification provides VeChain with a competitive advantage in comparison with other blockchain platforms.
Sunny Lu, Co-founder & CEO, VeChain
Digital contact tracing is one of the key functions of pandemic management. Data protection and data security are crucial – TÜV Saarland tested and certified our coronavirus tracing app Zone Check in a highly professional way.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Bernnat, CEO, PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH
TÜV Saarland Certification GmbH convinced us primarily due to the team’s high levels of competence and speed, and the straightforward way they did their work.
Sven Gebhardt, Head of Quality Management, Rhenus Automotive
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